Great Britain
Tour Itinerary
Day 1: Saturday, June 29, 2002
Route: San Francisco – London
Program: Leave San Francisco late afternoon (4:30 p.m., 6/29) and arrive London late morning (10:30 a.m., 6/30) and pick up rental cars at Sixt at Heathrow airport.
Day 2: Sunday, June 30
Route: London – Durham
Program: Begin in Mesozoic rocks of the Midland Platform, through Permo-Triassic rocks to the Carboniferous limestones, sandstones, and coal measures of the Pennine Province around Durham.
Guide: Dr. Maurice Tucker, Master of University College, University of Durham
Sites: Geology tour of Durham Castle
Accommodation: University College Durham Castle Durham DH1 3RW Tel: 0191 374 3863/3873
Cost: £20.50 per person, includes breakfast
Day 3: Monday, July 1
Route: Durham – Edinburgh Program: Traverse from the Pennine Province, across the Solway Line (Iapetus Suture), onto the Southern Uplands accretionary prism, across the Southern Uplands Fault, and into the Midland Valley of Scotland.
Sites: Hadrian’s Wall (eastern sector) Melrose Abbey Glenkinchie Scotch Distillery Royal Mile
Accommodation: Edinburgh Eglinton Youth Hostel 18 Eglinton Crescent Edinburgh EH12 5DD Tel: 0131 337 1120
Cost: £12.50 per person
Day 4: Tuesday, July 2
Route: Geology around Edinburgh
Program: Silurian and overlying Devonian strata of the Southern Uplands. Carboniferous strata of the Midland Valley.
Guide: Euan Clarkson and Brian Upton, University of Edinburgh
Sites: Siccar Point: angular unconformity of Devonian strata overlying Silurian. Pease Bay: Carboniferous Old Red Sandstone facies. Catcraig: Carboniferous limestones. Arthur’s Seat: Carboniferous volcanics in Holyrood Park, Edinburgh.
Accommodation: Edinburgh Eglinton Youth Hostel 18 Eglinton Crescent Edinburgh EH12 5DD Tel: 0131 337 1120
Cost: £12.50 per person
Day 5: Wednesday, July 3
Route: Edinburgh – Lochinver (Scottish Highlands) Program: Scottish Highlands. The Great Glen Fault. Metamorphic basement rocks.
Sites: Loch Ness: Follows the line of the Great Glen Fault. Great Glen Fault: Gneiss exposures.
Accommodation: Ardglas Guest House Lochinver, Sutherland, Northern Highlands Tel: 00 44 (0) 1571-844257 Fax: 0044 (0) 1571-844632 Email:
Cost: £16.00 per person
Day 6: Thursday, July 4
Route: Lochinver – Knockan – Lochinver Program: Lewisian – Moine geology of the Scottish Highlands. From deformed Moine rocks, across the Moine Thrust into the Proterozoic Torridon, Sleat, and Stoer sedimentary rocks, and into the Archaean Lewisian gneisses.
Guide: Dr. John Reavy, University College Cork, Ireland
Sites: Knockan Crag: Moine Thrust and associated rocks Loch Assynt Road Section Skiag Bridge View of Lewisian and Stack of Glencoul Scourie Complex Laxford Shear Zone
Accommodation: Ardglas Guest House Lochinver, Sutherland, Northern Highlands Tel: 00 44 (0) 1571-844257 Fax: 0044 (0) 1571-844632 Email:
Cost: £16.00 per person
Day 7: Friday, July 5
Route: Lochinver (Scottish Highlands) – Dun Flodigarry (Isle of Skye)
Program: Archaean gneisses of the Scottish Highlands. Cambrian rocks of the Moine Thrust. Torridonian sandstones. Tertiary igneous provinces.
Sites: East end of Loch Assynt (at Inchnadamph) to Loch Broom: Cambrian rocks of the Moine Thrust plates. Ullapool: Torridonian sandstones and Moine Thrust. Kyle of Lochalsh: Torridonian sediments. Isle of Skye: Tertiary igneous provinces.
Accommodation: Dun Flodigarry Hostel Tel + Fax: 00 44 (0) 1470 552 212 Email:
Cost: £8 pounds per person
Day 8: Saturday, July 6
Route: Isle of Skye: hiking in the Eastern Cullins Program: Tertiary layered gabbros, volcanic agglomerates and alkali granite.
Sites: Geology around the Isle of Skye.
Accommodation: Broadford Youth Hostel Broadford, Isle of Skye, IV49 9AA Tel: (01471) 822442
Day 9: Sunday, July 7
Route: Broadford (Isle of Skye) – Girvan (Southern Uplands)
Program: Folded and faulted rocks of the Southern Uplands terrane.
Sites: Rhinns of Galloway: Ordovician to Silurian age turbidite sediments. Corsewall Point: Coarse conglomerates overlying the lavas, chert, and black shale of the Northern Belt. Portpatrick: Dark-colored sandstone turbidites. West Tarbet: Central (sandstones) and Southern Belt (sand and mudstones of the Hawick Group) rocks. Mull of Galloway: Lighthouse, the southernmost point in Scotland.
Accommodation: Thistleneuk Guest House, George Lacey, Proprietor 19 Louisa Drive, Girvan Tel: 01465 712137 Fax: 01465 712137
Cost: £24.00 per person, includes breakfast
Day 10: Monday, July 8
Route: Girvan (Southern Uplands) – Sedbergh (Lake District)
Program: Ophiolite complex. Southern Uplands terrane. Iapetus suture. Lake District.
Guide: Jack Soper, British Geological Society
Sites: Ballantrae: Ophiolite complex. Bonney's Dyke and Pinbain Beach: Contact between the Downan Point spilite, breccia, and volcaniclastic strata and serpentinized ultramafic rocks. Balcreuchan Port: Permian red sandstone. Solway Line: Iapetus suture. Hadrian’s Wall (western sector). Shap quarry: Shap granite. Grayrigg: Silurian Windemere Group.
Accommodation: The Bull Sedbergh, North Yorkshire
Cost: £20 per person, including breakfast
Day 11: Tuesday, July 9
Route: Geology of the Lake District
Program: Hiking across Furness Fell
Guide: Jack Soper, British Geological Society
Sites: Furness Fell: The Borrowdale Volcanic Group (Caradoc) through the Ashgill unconformity and part of the overlying Silurian sequence of the Windermere Supergroup.
Accommodation: The Bull Sedbergh, North Yorkshire
Cost: £20 per person, including breakfast
Day 12: Wednesday, July 10
Route: North Yorkshire – Bangor (North Wales)
Program: Geology of the Yorkshire Dales
Guide: Jack Soper, British Geological Society
Sites: Near Skirwith: Proterozoic Ingletonian rocks with Pan-African structures - Ordovician sequence composed of Skiddaw (Arenig age), Coniston limestone group (Ashgill age), and Borrowdale (Caradoc age).
Accommodation: Idwal Cottage Nant Ffrancon, Bathesda, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 3LZ Tel: 0870 770 5874 (in UK); (+44) 1248 600225 (outside UK)
Cost: £8.75 per person
Day 13: Thursday, July 11
Route: Bathesda (North Wales) – Lawrenny (Pembrokeshire, South Wales)
Program: Precambrian basement rocks near Holyhead of the Isle of Anglesey. Welsh Basin. Turbidite sequences. Graptolitic sequence.
Guide: Dennis Bates and Charlie Bendall, University of Aberystwyth
Sites: Rhoscolyn: meta-grewackes, pelites, and quartzites (turbidites of Moinian Complex). South Stack: meta-greywackes, meta-siltstones, and pelites (turbidites of Moinian Complex). Aberystwyth: Welsh Basin sediments. Abereiddy Bay: Stratotype area of the Llavirn Series within the Ordovician System, graptolite sequence.
Accommodation: Lawrenny Youth Hostel Lawrenny, Pembrokeshire SA68 OPN Tel: 0870 770 5914 (in UK); (+44) 1646 651270 (outside UK)
Cost: £8.75 per person
Day 14: Friday, July 12
Route: Lawrenny (South Wales) – Blaenavon – Okehampton
Program: Variscan-altered Carboniferous sediments. Coal mine. Triassic to Lower Jurassic deposits in the Bristol Channel Basin. Lower Jurassic fossils.
Guide: Dennis Bates, University of Aberystwyth
Sites: Broad Haven: Sandstones and Carboniferous coal measures. Weakly deformed Variscan structures. Big Pit Colliery: Guided tour by miners, Variscan-altered Carboniferous coal seam. Aust Cliff: Lower Jurassic fossils of mixed terrestrial-aquatic vertebrate fauna.
Accommodation: Okehampton Youth Hostel Klondyke Road, Okehampton EX20 1EW Tel: 0870 770 5978
Cost: £11.25 per person
Day 15: Saturday, July 13
Route: Geology around Bude (Northern Cornwall)
Program: Devonian and Carboniferous sedimentary rocks and minor volcanics variably folded in the Variscan Orogeny.
Guide: John Whalley, University of Portsmouth
Sites: Hartland Quay: Crackington Formation comprised of deep water, turbiditic sandstones interbedded with finer grained silts and shales with a variety of sole markings. Millook Haven
Accommodation: Okehampton Youth Hostel Klondyke Road, Okehampton EX20 1EW Tel: 0870 770 5978
Cost: £11.25 per person
Day 16: Sunday, July 14
Route: Okehampton – London
Program: Effects of Alpine Orogeny. Cretaceous chalk. Ancient stone circle.
Sites: Lulworth Cove: Folded Jurassic and Cretaceous strata, chalk cliffs, marine erosion. Stair Hole: Lulworth crumples, natural arches. Stonehenge:
Accommodation: London – Earl’s Court Youth Hostel 38 Bolton Gardens London, SW5 0AQ Tel: (44) 207-3737083 Fax: (44) 207-8352034
Day 17: Monday, July 15
Route: London – San Francisco
Program: Return cars to Sixt rental desk at Heathrow. Return to San Francisco at 1:50 p.m. (same day)